Para quem nem isso quer gastar, é só procurar o material da autora que está disponível por aí. Deixo alguns apontadores.
- What is“Good”Assessment? Um resumo do livro.
"The following approaches will help increase the accuracy and truthfulness of assessment strategies.
Start with clear statements of the most important things you want students to learn from the course, program, or curriculum.
Teach what you are assessing.
Make assignments and test questions crystal clear.
Before creating an assignment, write a rubric: a list of the key things you want students to learn by completing the assignment and to demonstrate on the completed assignment.
Likewise, before writing test questions, create a test “blueprint”: a list of the key learning goals to be assessed by the test and the number of points or questions to be devoted to each learning goal.
Make sure that your assignments and test questions clearly relate to your key learning goals.
Ask colleagues and students to review drafts of your assignments, rubrics, and (using former students) test questions to make sure they’re clear and appear to assess what you want them to.
Try out surveys and similar tools with a small group of students before using them on a larger scale.
Collect enough evidence to get a representative sample of what your students have learned and can do.
Score student work fairly and consistently.
Use assessment results appropriately." - Understanding and Using Assessment Results. Uma apresentação, da qual existem várias versões.
- Fair Assessment Practices: Giving Students Equitable Opportunties to Demonstrate Learning. Um artigo muito interessante:
"Seven Steps to Fair Assessment
1. Have clearly stated learning outcomes
2. Match your assessment to what you teach and vice versa
3. Use many different measures and many different kinds of measures
4. Help students learn how to do the assessment task
5. Engage and encourage your students
6. Interpret assessment results appropriately
7. Evaluate the outcomes of your assessments" - E finalmente o site da autora.
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