O THE começa hoje a publicar uma série semanal em que pedem a autoridades em diferentes áreas que escolham e apresentem aquele que consideram ser o livro mais importante do seu campo de estudo.
Dos primeiros resultados, publicados esta semana, conheço dois e já li um. Podia ser pior...
segunda-feira, abril 27, 2009
domingo, abril 19, 2009
Ensino por video-conferência
Uma nota breve:
Now that videoconferencing is being widely used for the delivery of mass lectures between sites, there is concern that the quality of teaching and learning experienced, using this method of delivery, is not as good as that experienced in a traditional classroom situation. The study aimed to investigate this concern by using a research diary to collect information on classroom activities and cognitive outcomes which students at local and remote sites experienced over a ten-week period. The results indicated that remote site students did not experience the same quality of teaching and learning as local site students.Knipe & Lee (2002), The quality of teaching and learning via videoconferencing. British Journal of Educational Technology Vol 33 (3): 301–311.
sábado, abril 18, 2009
Para que serve a universidade?
Das cruciais reflexões de Ivan Leban, "Today's academic values", passei pelo artigo de Ulrich Littmann, "Bologna: fake or promise?", para chegar ao texto de James Frey sobre "Questions and concerns about tertiary education in the 21st century".
Este último autor reflecte sobre as diferentes missões atribuídas historicamente às universidades,
Este último autor reflecte sobre as diferentes missões atribuídas historicamente às universidades,
When the ancient universities were established (Alexandria in Egypt, Bologna in what is now Italy,Mustansiriyah in what is now Iraq, Taxila in what is now India), the purpose of university education was clear. It was to pass on to future generations the accumulated wisdom of society.para partilhar depois as suas preocupações com o ensino superior actual
In the 1860s, the Morrill Land Grant Act transferred valuable tracts of land owned by the federal government of the United States to state governments in exchange for university instruction in agriculture, home science, and the mechanical arts. This marks the addition of applied professional (some called it vocational) training to university curricula. Most other countries have followed this example, with perhaps the last being England, which made engineering a university-based subject 100 years later. Universities now had a dual purpose: to pass on the accumulated wisdom of society, and to train students for technical occupations.
In the 19th century, German educators developed a different philosophy of tertiary education. For them, the purpose of a university was to advance the frontiers of human knowledge through research and publication.
In the United States and in many other countries, including Germany, the purpose of a university is now a blend of these three missions: pass on knowledge, train professional workers, and advance the frontiers of human knowledge. Some educational systems have added a fourth mission: community or public service.
e concluir:
- There is no clear philosophical mission for tertiary educational institutions.
- There is almost universal agreement on the need for quality control, but no clear definition of what constitutes quality tertiary education.
- There is no clear identification of the public to be served.
- Because of these deficiencies, tertiary education is now in a state of competitive marketing.
- Because of these deficiencies, tertiary education is now in a state of caveat emptor (buyer beware).
Tertiary education throughout the world is in greater turmoil now than at any time since the Protestant Reformation in Europe. Those who are providers of tertiary education are being subjected to philosophical, administrative, and financial pressures from an increasing number of directions. Those who clearly define their mission, their goals, their degree programmes, and their quality standards will have a better chance to have their degrees officially recognised internationally.
sexta-feira, abril 17, 2009
Do lado de lá do Atlântico...
... e mais além! Três links norte americanos (é de estranhar?) com uma preocupação com a globalização do ensino superior:
Welcome to World Education Services, your portal to trusted, accurate research and intelligence about foreign academic credentials, institutions and trends. Whether your interest is for academic or professional purposes, we’ve got the tools and information to help. A World Education News & Reviews (WENR) deste mês (necessário registo para aceder) tem um artigo descrevendo o Processo de Bolonha e um outro bem mais interessante com uma reflexão sobre o papel das universidades: "The role of universities is to educate people, to provide students with general, universal knowledge, to create an autonomous human being – a free thinker. They are not meant to simply educate people for the labor market." (Leban, 2009) Só o contexto histórico do nascimento e evolução das universidades vale o tempo do registo no site, mas quem tiver pressa pode ler a versão original do artigo aqui.
- Changing Higher Education. Um site pessoal de Lloyd Armstrong. This website is dedicated to discussion and analysis of the forces coming to bear on higher education, and of ways in which higher education might proactively and effectively use these forces to increase its impact.
- GlobalHigherEd. Um blogue que se auto-descreve assim: "We are interested in how and why new knowledge and new spaces (including socio-technical networks) are being developed in association with the emergence of the ‘knowledge economy’, and what the implications of this complex development process are, especially for global public affairs."
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